Diversity & Inclusion

AI is about all people

Our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion.

At Artefact, we believe that data is about people and we defend diversity and inclusion in all our actions. Our goal is to create a work environment where diversity is celebrated daily, reflecting our commitment to equity and inclusion in all practices and policies, ensuring that our decisions and services eliminate bias, increase accuracy and meaningfully serve diverse communities. populations we serve.

Diversity & Inclusion

Pillars of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives at Artefact.

Recruitment and 
Diversity Monitoring

Recruitment and 
Diversity Monitoring

  • Creation of Affirmative Vacancies: Implementation of affirmative vacancies for LGBT+, women (cis and trans) and black people.
  • Diversity Census: Development of a census to measure diversity in gender, ethnicity, race, region, neurodiversity, and psychiatric diagnoses.
  • Diversity KPIs: Establishment of census-based KPIs and goals for 2024, along with strategies to achieve those goals.
Education and Awareness

Education and Awareness

  • Training on Diversity: Increased inclusion and debate on diversity through training conducted by external consultancies specializing in diversity.
  • Sharings on LGBT+ Experiences: Development of lectures and sharing on the LGBT+ experience with the participation of our employees.
  • Inspiring Lectures: Conducting lectures such as “The Importance of Being You and Why It Matters” with external guests.
Community and Engagement

Community and Engagement

  • Affinity Groups: Creation of affinity groups with monthly meetings to discuss experiences, perspectives and diversity strategies.
  • Presentation Events: Organization of events such as the “Building Trust in AI Systems” presentation in Amsterdam, to promote discussion and inclusion of relevant topics.

Affinity Groups at Artefact


Supports LGBTQIAPN+ employees through monthly discussions and visibility and inclusion actions.


Supports cis and trans women, promoting gender equity and female empowerment.


Focused on employees with neurodiversity and different skills, promoting accessibility and inclusion.

Vincent Luciani

“We believe that diversity is the key to innovation 
and that inclusion is essential to success.”

Vincent Luciani, co-founder and CEO of Artefact

Our Artefact’s Pride Initiatives

Affirmative Vacancies

We create affirmative vacancies for LGBTQIAPN+ people, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.

Affinity Group

Our LGBTQIAPN+@Artefact group meets monthly to discuss experiences, develop inclusion strategies and promote actions that reinforce the visibility and rights of the community.

Diversity Census

We conducted a census to measure diversity across gender, ethnicity, race, neurodiversity and psychiatric diagnoses, with the goal of developing KPIs and inclusion goals for 2024.

Training and Sharing

We promote diversity and inclusion training, as well as lectures and sharing on the LGBTQIAPN+ experience with the participation of our employees and external guests.

Strategic Partnerships

We work with external partners, such as diversity consultancies, to continually improve our inclusive practices.

Paolo Gozdzink

“The inclusion of LGBTQIAPN+ individuals in the workforce must encompass all functions and levels, not just operational positions. 
It’s about valuing professionals equally, addressing prejudice and bringing genuine opportunities to the community.”

Paolo Gozdzink, Marketing Specialist at Artefact LatAm