Read the complete article about the TUI: Here
Client challenges
Be the first travel agency in Europe to use AI to promote Growth,
TUI’s offer covers a wide range of products and their website receives millions of visitors every month.
1. A dedicated innovation team
Consulting and project managers, Data scientists, SEA, Display and social managers to define the innovation projects and their successful implementation.
2. A dedicated algorithm and data project for the TUI campaign management
Using Machine Learning, our digital campaigns are completely data driven in order to optimize on a scoring and predictive model.
Artefact solution
1.Data Collection
Data Sources: 1st party CRM data, GA
Data Collected: Navigational Data, Transactional Data, product purchases
2. Brainstorming
What can we do with that Data?
1. Audience Scoring – Audiences repartition based on navigational and transactional data, leading to scoring that defines TUI audience value and making it possible to adapt bids to the estimated value
2. Buying Prediction – Using historic purchasing analysis of TUI customers to determine the category of TUI product that customers are most likely to buy, in order for them to adapt their messaging in the pre-buying phases.
The solution – in less than 6 months
Use ML to analyse the data and assign a score to the audiences. The ML model will also analyse product data and determine which product is most likely to be purchased using transactional and navigational data.
Business Impact
The main impact is to limit wasted media buying on audiences with a really low chance to purchase. This is the ultimate stake in media, and this ML model allows to optimize digital media investment like never before…
The second impact is the relevance of each message on the audience allowing improvement on KPIs such as visit cost, time spent and other metrics
3. The roadmap
Month 1 – 3
Initial Meeting, Framing, Design, Testing, Adoption