Data & AI for Luxury and Beauty

Data Strategy guiding you along your data transformation journey.

Impact of Data & AI in the Luxury and Beauty/Cosmetics Sectors

Personalized Customer Experiences

  • Luxury Brands: AI and data analytics are used to create highly personalized shopping experiences by analyzing customer data to predict preferences and offer tailored recommendations. For instance, LVMH uses AI to analyze customer data across its brands to provide personalized experiences​ (North & Warren)​.

  • Beauty/Cosmetics: Brands like Estée Lauder and L’Oréal use AI-powered tools to recommend products based on individual skin types, preferences, and previous purchases. This personalization extends to virtual beauty advisors and personalized skincare routines​ (Euromonitor)​.

Enhanced Inventory Management

  • Luxury Brands: AI helps optimize inventory management by predicting demand and managing stock levels more efficiently, reducing costs and ensuring popular items are available. This is particularly beneficial for luxury brands that need to manage high-value inventory​ (North & Warren)​.

  • Beauty/Cosmetics: Cosmetics companies use AI to forecast demand for various products, ensuring optimal stock levels and reducing waste. This is crucial for seasonal products and limited-edition releases​ (Euromonitor)​.

Fraud Detection and Security

  • Luxury Brands: AI enhances security and fraud detection in online luxury transactions by analyzing transaction patterns and detecting anomalies. This helps protect both consumers and brands from fraudulent activities​ (North & Warren)​.

  • Beauty/Cosmetics: Similarly, AI is used in the beauty sector to secure online transactions and protect customer data, ensuring a safe shopping experience​ (North & Warren)​.

Client case SAVENCIA

Deployment of a Data Governance strategy, AI transformation accelerator of Savencia Gourmet.

Client Cases in Luxury & Beauty

BNP PARIBAS An AI Efficiency program to accelerate the transformation...

ORANGE BANK enhances its data marketing with rapid deployment of...

MAIF Using Topic Modelling to reduce contact centre bottlenecks.

HOMESERVE Using speech analytics to improve customer satisfaction

MAIF Segmentation Marketing -Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Insurance Customer Understanding

Data & AI for Luxury Report

How Data & AI is transforming Luxury: a paradigm shift.

November 21th, 2024
Station F, Paris

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We are data, AI and digital experts sharing
our insights and latest market updates.

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