
Data & AI Digest

News, views, and business cases to inspire you.

  • June News | Adopt AI Summit Replays & Report of CEOs keynotes | Pride Month: Fierté GenAI Assistant and Articles for Diversity & Inclusivity at Artefact

    June News | Adopt AI Summit Replays & Report of CEOs keynotes | Pride Month: Fierté GenAI Assistant and Articles for Diversity & Inclusivity at Artefact

    In celebration of our 10-year anniversary, Artefact was thrilled to organize Adopt AI, an international summit on the 5th of June, to promote the adoption of data and AI, where we welcomed more than 2000 participants at Station F, Paris.

    27 June 2024

  • May News | BNP Paribas & Robertet client cases: value creation through generative AI | The Artefact x Giskard x Mistral AI consortium wins the GenAI Award by Bpifrance

    May News | BNP Paribas & Robertet client cases: value creation through generative AI | The Artefact x Giskard x Mistral AI consortium wins the GenAI Award by Bpifrance

    GenAI industrialization is challenging for companies everywhere. The AI factory at the BCEF entity of BNP Paribas has already entered this GenAI industrialization phase, and we also share an interview with Artefact exploring how to overcome the challenges of GenAI’s scalability.

    2 June 2024

  • April News | What to know about the AI Act | AI Act : Transforming a regulation into business opportunities | Trustworthy AI: The role of ethics in developing responsible, unbiased models

    April News | What to know about the AI Act | AI Act : Transforming a regulation into business opportunities | Trustworthy AI: The role of ethics in developing responsible, unbiased models

    e AI Act is the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI worldwide. It aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and establishing Europe as a leader in the field. The regulation establishes obligations for AI based on its potential risks and level of impact.

    2 May 2024

  • March News | All about Data Governance | Savencia client case: Deployment of a Data Governance strategy as an AI transformation accelerator | Articles and Reports by our experts

    March News | All about Data Governance | Savencia client case: Deployment of a Data Governance strategy as an AI transformation accelerator | Articles and Reports by our experts

    Data and its AI applications are central to achieving increased productivity and overall efficiency. Through specific processes and an adapted organizational structure, data governance enables companies to organize data, improve its quality, and meet the ethical and regulatory challenges of data processing. Respondents to a Gartner survey cited improved data security (66%) and fewer compliance breaches (52%) as benefits of implementing a data governance framework.

    28 March 2024

  • February News | Impact of The Digital Markets Act (DMA) | GA4: The next generation of analytics – The Deezer case | Unlock the power of GMP with our certified experts

    February News | Impact of The Digital Markets Act (DMA) | GA4: The next generation of analytics – The Deezer case | Unlock the power of GMP with our certified experts

    Even in today’s rapidly changing privacy landscape, businesses can build strong customer relationships that drive growth. Ensuring data privacy, allowing consumers to easily opt in or opt out of data sharing, and being transparent about personal data use and storage: these are the keys to winning the trust of today’s privacy-conscious customers.

    29 February 2024

  • January News | On the occasion of its 10 year-anniversary, Artefact organizes an international ADOPT AI Summit | Launch of the Artefact Research Center

    January News | On the occasion of its 10 year-anniversary, Artefact organizes an international ADOPT AI Summit | Launch of the Artefact Research Center

    As we step into 2024, Artefact is celebrating its 10 year-anniversary and foresees the decade to come with optimism, viewing AI as an incredible opportunity that, if used properly and ethically, will lead to economic, social, and democratic progress.

    30 January 2024

  • December News | Our MROI offer is the winning combination of 3 (MMM, Incrementality Experiments, Attribution) | The key to maximizing marketing strategy and unlocking ROI growth

    December News | Our MROI offer is the winning combination of 3 (MMM, Incrementality Experiments, Attribution) | The key to maximizing marketing strategy and unlocking ROI growth

    How can businesses allocate marketing and media budgets between geos, brands and channels? Define the right mix across digital and offline channels? Scale campaign budgets on an ongoing basis?

    21 December 2023

  • November News | Generative AI Report for Healthcare | Unlocking the potential of generative AI for patients, practitioners and pharmaceutical companies

    November News | Generative AI Report for Healthcare | Unlocking the potential of generative AI for patients, practitioners and pharmaceutical companies

    While AI alone has already begun to improve disease diagnosis through rapid, advanced medical imaging analysis and other techniques, generative AI has the potential to transform clinical workflows and the way doctors work.

    30 November 2023

  • October News | Data Democratization & Gamification | Data supermarkets | Data Governance is a Fun Game | Data Quality Management eBook

    October News | Data Democratization & Gamification | Data supermarkets | Data Governance is a Fun Game | Data Quality Management eBook

    26 October 2023

  • September News | How Data is Driving the Luxury Market | Artefact’s AI for Luxury & Beauty Conference October 5th in NYC

    September News | How Data is Driving the Luxury Market | Artefact’s AI for Luxury & Beauty Conference October 5th in NYC

    28 September 2023

  • August News | Artefact Data & AI for Sustainability – How AI can help reduce carbon emissions: an urgent challenge for all companies

    August News | Artefact Data & AI for Sustainability – How AI can help reduce carbon emissions: an urgent challenge for all companies

    31 August 2023

  • June News | Generative AI survey of 60 industry leaders! | Lots of buzz at Artefact’s booth at VivaTech: GenAI demos and conferences

    June News | Generative AI survey of 60 industry leaders! | Lots of buzz at Artefact’s booth at VivaTech: GenAI demos and conferences

    30 June 2023

  • May News | How Data & AI are driving growth in the tourism industry | Data forTourism eBook | A perspective on Data & AI for shopping malls

    May News | How Data & AI are driving growth in the tourism industry | Data forTourism eBook | A perspective on Data & AI for shopping malls

    31 May 2023

  • April News | How Generative AI is changing the way businesses work | Artefact conference on Generative AI: videos & article

    April News | How Generative AI is changing the way businesses work | Artefact conference on Generative AI: videos & article

    28 April 2023

  • March News | How retail media is transforming digital advertising | Data collaboration | Data monetization

    March News | How retail media is transforming digital advertising | Data collaboration | Data monetization

    31 March 2023

  • February News | Data Marketing: Doing more with less | Orange Bank & Ubisoft Client Cases | The Rise of Customer Data Platform in a cookieless world

    February News | Data Marketing: Doing more with less | Orange Bank & Ubisoft Client Cases | The Rise of Customer Data Platform in a cookieless world

    27 February 2023

  • JANUARY | Data mesh in 2023 and beyond | Decentralization democratizes data | Data as a Product

    JANUARY | Data mesh in 2023 and beyond | Decentralization democratizes data | Data as a Product

    31 January 2023

  • Warmest greetings 2023 from Artefact!

    Warmest greetings 2023 from Artefact!

    11 January 2023

  • DECEMBER News | Happy Holidays and sharing our inclusivity and diversity engagement through Women@Artefact initiatives

    DECEMBER News | Happy Holidays and sharing our inclusivity and diversity engagement through Women@Artefact initiatives

    21 December 2022

  • NOVEMBER | AI for HEALTH European Summit: Discover how Data and AI are driving innovation | Conference replays | BAYER client case and more

    NOVEMBER | AI for HEALTH European Summit: Discover how Data and AI are driving innovation | Conference replays | BAYER client case and more

    1 December 2022

  • OCTOBER | Discover how Data and AI are changing the way banks and insurers do business | Case studies: Orange Bank, Homeserve and more

    OCTOBER | Discover how Data and AI are changing the way banks and insurers do business | Case studies: Orange Bank, Homeserve and more

    28 October 2022

  • SEPTEMBER | Data for impact | Data can help for sustainable and ethical strategic decisions and solutions for enterprises

    SEPTEMBER | Data for impact | Data can help for sustainable and ethical strategic decisions and solutions for enterprises

    30 September 2022

  • JUNE | The Data Transformation Edition: CDOs’ challenges | Data governance | Datamesh: path to decentralization | Data engineering | RECKITT

    JUNE | The Data Transformation Edition: CDOs’ challenges | Data governance | Datamesh: path to decentralization | Data engineering | RECKITT

    1 July 2022

  • MAY | MLOps Edition l Video with Artefact CEO l Webhelp Client Case

    MAY | MLOps Edition l Video with Artefact CEO l Webhelp Client Case

    31 May 2022

  • APRIL | Artefact invests in the future with Data for Sustainability & Ethical Services

    APRIL | Artefact invests in the future with Data for Sustainability & Ethical Services

    15 April 2022

  • MARCH | Data & ML challenges for 2022 | Scale personalization efforts with data-driven marketing | Carrefour reduces food waste thanks to AI

    MARCH | Data & ML challenges for 2022 | Scale personalization efforts with data-driven marketing | Carrefour reduces food waste thanks to AI

    11 March 2022

  • JANUARY | Data Governance experience from the field | Podcast on 1st party data with our CEO | Amazon Ads Certification | Insightful articles from our experts

    JANUARY | Data Governance experience from the field | Podcast on 1st party data with our CEO | Amazon Ads Certification | Insightful articles from our experts

    27 January 2022

  • DECEMBER | Alliance with Ardian and Cathay Capital | 2021 Yearbook | Ubisoft client testimonial | Insightful articles from our experts

    DECEMBER | Alliance with Ardian and Cathay Capital | 2021 Yearbook | Ubisoft client testimonial | Insightful articles from our experts

    22 December 2021

  • NOVEMBER | Causality-based marketing | CDP for the automotive industry | Latest awards, and more…

    NOVEMBER | Causality-based marketing | CDP for the automotive industry | Latest awards, and more…

    2 December 2021

  • OCTOBER | Meet the Artefactors Video Series | The future of mROI | New Artefact Partners in Data Consulting, and more…

    OCTOBER | Meet the Artefactors Video Series | The future of mROI | New Artefact Partners in Data Consulting, and more…

    2 November 2021