Data & AI for Manufacturing

Transforming and creating value for Energy, Electronics and Electrical Equipment, Chemicals, Machinery, Textile and Apparels through the power of data & AI.

Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing

  • Integration of Advanced Technologies: like the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and big data analytics to create smart factories. These technologies enhance operational efficiency, enable real-time monitoring, and improve predictive maintenance capabilities.

  • Automation and Robotics: leading to increased production speeds, higher precision, and lower labor costs. Robots are being used for tasks ranging from assembly and welding to packaging and quality control.

  • Cyber-Physical Systems: Manufacturing processes are becoming more interconnected through cyber-physical systems, which combine physical manufacturing processes with digital control systems, leading to more flexible and adaptive production

Sustainability and Green Manufacturing

  • Eco-Friendly Practices: including reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Companies are investing in renewable energy sources and adopting circular economy principles to recycle and reuse materials.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Stricter environmental regulations worldwide are pushing manufacturers to adopt greener practices. They also enhance the company’s reputation and reduce costs associated with non-compliance.

  • Sustainable Product Design: Manufacturers are focusing on designing products that are easier to recycle, use fewer resources, and have a longer lifespan. This trend is driven by consumer demand for environmentally friendly products and the need to reduce the overall

Enhanced Quality Control and Defect Detection

  • AI-Powered Quality Inspection: AI systems are used for real-time quality inspection and defect detection, improving the accuracy and speed of quality control processes. Computer vision and machine learning algorithms can identify defects in products with greater precision than human inspectors.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: By analyzing vast amounts of production data, AI helps manufacturers make informed decisions to enhance product quality, optimize processes, and reduce waste. This data-driven approach leads to higher efficiency and better product outcomes.

Client case VALEO

How a three-day hackathon sparked new GenAI use cases for Valeo, an automotive industry leader

Data & AI Transformation for Business

Unlocking the potential of data and AI for accelerating your business and improving your enterprise’s performance

Client Cases in Manufacturing

September 17th, Paris

Replays of the Adopt AI Summit by Artefact

How to combine the use of AI and environmental transition?

How AI supports TotalEnergies digitalization strategy?

How to scale AI in a global context.

Why does people acculturation matter in successful AI adoption?

Our expert contents about Manufacturing

We are data, AI and digital experts sharing
our insights and latest market updates.

  • Interview: How Nissan is transforming in the digital world

    Interview: How Nissan is transforming in the digital world

Our Artefact Leaders in Manufacturing


Alexandre Thion de la Chaume

Managing Partner and Manufacturing & BtoB Global Lead