Prompt challenges – Open Innovation

GenAI Academy: Empower your employees with GenAI

Vincent asquin

Vincent ASQUIN
Lead Gen AI acculturation & adoption – Artefact

Adopt gen AI in your organization and discover concrete business usages

Our GenAI Training is a playful and competitive workshop designed to create a high level of curiosity and enough knowledge for employees to use the Gen AI tools in their daily tasks to increase productivity, creativity, reduce costs…

Artefact Open Innovation is helping top leading companies to acculturate their employees

Google Marketing Plateform
Google Marketing Plateform
Campaign Manager
Amazon Advertising
Amazon Advertising
Meta business partner

Explore the benefits of our Gen AI training to go to the next level



Enhance creativity


Raise awareness about guidelines and risks!

We personalize your Gen AI training according to your level of knowledge about Gen AI and your specific business needs.

Step 1:

Understand what Gen AI is and how to leverage it with concrete business use cases.

Step 2:

Prompt Challenge

Practice Gen AI tools on concrete use cases and master advanced prompting techniques.

Step 3:

Launch your Gen AI strategy and generate use cases specifically to meet your business needs.