Cloud certifications

We are agnostic and certified with all the major Cloud providers.

Our Cloud Partners

Artefact is tech agnostic and we team up with industry biggest names.

Google Cloud
Open Source
Open Source
Open Source

Artefact is a Certified Partner for both Google platforms: Google Marketing Platform (GMP) & Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Artefact x Google Cloud Platform eBook

Get inspired by Artefact’s Google-certified experts to accelerate your data transformation with AI projects.

Best of articles & client cases.

We are tech-agnostic, working with all clouds, hybrid and on-premise client infrastructures.


Introducing ARTEFACTORY, our open source platform of AI enablers.

ARTEFACTORY is composed of independent and reusable AI enablers. You can imagine these enablers almost like Lego bricks, with each piece performing a task such as pre-built connectors, libraries and models.

We have packaged these “bricks” to be reused as necessary — so they can be configured and efficiently assembled by our clients. Our solution can be seamlessly integrated into existing legacy systems for fast scalability and also to boost data power.
